O.J. Simpson is unhappy with the Nevada state prison!
He, an epitome of the falling of the mighty, is serving the trial for kidnapping and robbery in Las Vegas.
O.J. says he is Miserable!
O.J. is allegedly calling up his friends and telling them that he is miserable, according to Radar Online.
Monetary Issues !
He is running out of money, and has pleaded with his family and friends for help.
O.J. is allegedly calling up his friends and telling them that he is miserable, according to Radar Online.
He is running out of money, and has pleaded with his family and friends for help.
His Crime was This !
He is serving his sentence for the incident in 2007 where he with five others stormed into a room at the Palace Station Hotel and Casino and took thousands of dollars in memorabilia from a pair of sports collectors at gunpoint
Fans Follow !
During the early years of imprisonment, he had an unwavering flow of cash for him.
He is serving his sentence for the incident in 2007 where he with five others stormed into a room at the Palace Station Hotel and Casino and took thousands of dollars in memorabilia from a pair of sports collectors at gunpoint
During the early years of imprisonment, he had an unwavering flow of cash for him.
The cash had flown in from his die-hard female fans !
O.J. Simpson had once been every kid’s hero. He was an iconic success story ! And therefore, supported in his time of need by his fans.
O.J. Simpson had once been every kid’s hero. He was an iconic success story ! And therefore, supported in his time of need by his fans.
His Deteriorating Health !
As claimed by the report, O.J. has been having medical issues and has been getting neglected by the authorities.
As claimed by the report, O.J. has been having medical issues and has been getting neglected by the authorities.
Looks like the Pillsbury Dough Boy !
Since he cannot work out enough, the guards say he resembles the Pillsbury Dough Boy!
Since he cannot work out enough, the guards say he resembles the Pillsbury Dough Boy!
The Point of Concern !
The question that raises is whether or not he will be able to get the money required to prevent other inmates from bothering him! He needs to serve from 9-33, so hopefully he will find a way!
The question that raises is whether or not he will be able to get the money required to prevent other inmates from bothering him! He needs to serve from 9-33, so hopefully he will find a way!
The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story – the truth about the jury
The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story - the truth about the jury...
Sequestered for 265 days - the longest in US legal history - the jurors heard evidence from 126 witnesses, were presented with 1,105 pieces of evidence, 45,000 pages of transcripts, before handing down a not guilty verdict.
Holled up in a Los Angeles hotel 10 of the original 24 jury men and women ended up leaving the process through the nine month ordeal.
But how much of the latest episode - A Jury in Jail - was true?
They were kept under lock and key
The intense living conditions of the jury are fairly accurately portrayed. The televisions and phone lines in their hotel rooms were disabled and they weren't allowed alcohol. They were only allowed five hours of unsupervised time with their partner once a week, from 7pm to midnight. After a slew of complaints the court did try to ease their suffering by organising a boat trip to Catalina Island, which left many of them seasick.
On the show African-American juror Tracy Hampton is seen complaining to Judge Ito that the deputies "aren't fair". "The white jurors get better treatment than us!" she said before claimed they were given more time to shop in Target - favoured by the white jurors - than in Ross, where she claimed the black jurors preferred to buy their clothes.
This was also true.
According to juror Jeffery Toobin - who documented his time on the jury in a book after the trial - many jurors complained about racist treatment by the deputies. When three of the deputies were swapped out, 13 jury members wrote a letter of protest to the judge and later wore black to court in protest over the unfair dismissal. The situation became so bad Ito cancelled proceedings for the day and gave the jury the weekend to "cool off".
A juror stripped off and attempted to escape during a lunch break
A juror stripped off and attempted to escape during a lunch break
Tracy Hampton's breakdown didn't happen exactly as portrayed on screen. She did beg the judge to let her go home, but she didn't have a breakdown in quite the same way as it was portrayed on the show.
One was kicked off for lying about kidnapping arrest
This was true. Michael Knox was removed from the jury for failing to disclose on his questionnaire that he had been previously arrested on charges of kidnapping, which he later dismissed as a "spat" with his girlfriend. The Then 47-year-old claimed he had been "leaning" towards a guilty verdict when he was kicked off the jury. He said at the time: "I hope O. J. can prove his innocence. "But if he's guilty, I'm not going to consider it some kind of defeat for the black race." Knox documented his time serving on the jury in The Private Diary of an O. J. Juror.
No-one knew where they were staying
The fifth floor of the Hotel Inter-Continental, which was close to the court house in downtown LA, became home to the jury for nine months. Their residency there was a huge secret, with only 30 employees of the hotel privy to the information.
Somehow, despite their best efforts, it did get out and security guards for the hotel later revealed people would turn up looking for the jury members. They reportedly celebrated the end of the case with a champagne party in the presidential penthouse suite.
"It was incredible," Jeanette Baker, the in-house pianist later told the Los Angeles Times. "It was like a family reunion. They sang 'Come On Baby, Let the Good Times Roll' and 'Stormy Monday Blues.' We had one 72-year-old juror who did a dance, sort of like a little old soft-shoe."
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